Hi Rachel,
I have been meaning to write to you for a looooong time, but it has been so busy for us these past several months.
Anyway, I just wanted to let you know how well Xena is doing. She gets along with the other cats (of course), and is very playful. She especially likes to “box” with our orange male tabby, Max.
She has the sweetest personality and purrs constantly. She purrs when she eats, when we walk by her, when we talk to her. I can’t tell you how much we adore the little fluff-ball. (One of her nicknames is “Miss Poof,” by the way.)
We took her with us on vacation this past December. It involved driving a few hours and staying a week at a friend’s house. She jumped in the cat carrier with no coercion whatsoever. It was as if she was saying, “Okay, I’m ready! Let’s go.” When we got there she adjusted within a few minutes. All she had to do was check out all of the rooms of the house. The best part, though, was that Xena spent a good deal of time comforting one of our other cats, Cookie. Cookie is very skittish and was not handling being in a strange house very well. She spent a lot of the week hiding in the study. Well, I think Xena could sense that Cookie was scared, and she spent a lot of time sitting next to her and trying to comfort her. It was really heartwarming.
Sorry this was so long. I just wanted to let you know how great she is. ~Melissa
Hello Rachel,
Just letting you know Bentley is doing fine.
He is definitely a talkative cat and never likes to miss out on any of his meals!
He also loves to travel and loves taking baths and playing in water. Also he has own satin pillow that he loves to sleep on. ~Kamaria
Hi Rachel,
I hoped you had a great weekend. Just wanted to give you an update on what’s been going on with Thomas, who is now named Sébastien, at first we wanted to keep his original name but thought to keep with the French names for my boys.
Sébastien is a joy and I have a lot of fun with him and he’s been sleeping with me in bed every night.Thank you once again for allowing me to have such a sweet boy. ~Pattie
Day one a success. You were right she thinks she owns the place. She walked right under my 80 pound dog not least bit scared and is all over the place. When she stops though she is a sweet heart. My son Grayson is in love. They are both out after a long day :). Thanks again!! ~Jen
Cashmere had a good first night. I have never seen a more loving kitten. Her motor is always running. Leilani is giving her the royal welcome. Thank you for a very special kitty. ~Sharon
Hi Rachel, Just want to let you know that my Annie is the sweetest, most loving cat ever. I want to commend you on your extraordinary breeding and socialization skills in sending these kittens to their new homes. Her vet was very impressed with your meticulous immunization schedule and the whole office had to come and greet her – all were very impressed. Thank you again for your thoughtfulness in providing me with her. She has certainly healed my heart. Better say good bye as Annie is sprawled in front of my keyboard. ~Marilyn
Frangie and Jazzy absolutely own the house and the neighbors are all in love. The girls have been checked by the vet and proclaimed in excellent shape, which of course you knew. Thanks again. ~Sherrill


Hi Rachel, it’s been over a year now since we brought home Zac and Zoe. They have been so much fun, we’ve enjoyed watching them grow up and get “BIG”. Zac is the most active, while Zoe is laid back and a lot more quiet. They do play together and they all sleep with me. Everyone thinks they are beautiful and we both know that! We’re so glad we found you. Thanks again, and you know Zac and Zoe have the best of everything. ~Steve and Nancy